Big updates for little fish

Here's the latest and greatest.  This is the culmination of the work I've been doing on Virtual Fish Tank since submitting it for Ludum Dare 46.  Since voting is over, it's time to put this all into the wild to take advantage of some of the improvements to the interface, mechanics, and design.  Some of the big bullet points are as follows:

  • Fish getting stuck in tank walls
    • Movement system has been improved so they stand less of a chance getting stuck in the tank walls.
    • Improved method of unsticking fish when they do get stuck
  • Balancing
    • Improved balancing between tank dirtiness, health, hunger, and stress
    • Food and poop now more accurately increase tank dirtiness
    • Tank dirtiness and hunger now affect fish stress
    • Stress increases the likelihood and rate of a fish getting sick
  • Store/Budget
    • Budget increases by $10 every 2 minutes, allowing for a better balance to purchase food and medicine.
    • The price of food has been reduced to $5, and medicine has been increased to $50
  • Persistence
    • The game state is now saved between playthroughs, allowing you to exit and come back later.  The tank state will be just like you left it.
  • Graphics
    • Improvements to lighting and models
    • Improved goldfish texture
    • Better aerator bubbles
    • Improved food model
    • Improved poop model with better physics
  • Sound
    • Air pump is quieter and you can turn it off in settings.
    • Added UI button click sounds
    • Volume sliders for UI and SFX in settings

Files 78 MB
May 13, 2020 82 MB
May 13, 2020 Play in browser
May 13, 2020

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