Christmas Farms was made in 6h for Trijam 83.

Welcome to Christmas Farms!

A farming simulator for the jolliest time of the year.  Build your Christmas tree business from the ground up by growing more and more trees for sale each December.  Make sure you budget for the cost of water and new seedlings, so your trees get the right amount of water all year.


  • Mouse controls.  Click to select seedling  or watering can , and click on the ground to plant/water that area.
  • Since trees cost $10 to plant, and water is $1/second, you'll need to budget accordingly.  (It's best to start with 2-3 trees and add more after you sell some)
  • Each tree will tell you if it isn't getting enough water 
  • Trees will also tell you when they're overwatered 
  • If trees are left over or underwatered too long their health will decrease 
  • If you leave them under or over watered for too long they die 


Windows (64-bit) 24 MB
Linux (64-bit) 27 MB

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